Information resources to assist in skills development and conservation activities
Kangaroo Island Land For Wildlife
Australian Land Conservation Alliance
Public Parks not Private Playgrounds
Natural Resources Kangaroo Island
National Parks and Wildlife Service, SA
Primary Industries and Regions SA - Weeds
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network
Research papers and guides
Kangaroo Island BioSurvey 1999
Kangaroo Island Biodiversity Plan 2001
Native Vegetation on Kangaroo Island
Bird Responses to Large Scale Revegetation
The Role of Private Land Conservation on KI
Southern Brown Bandicoot Factsheet
Southern Brown Bandicoot Sightings Report Template
Impacts of Fire on Soil - Soil Science Australia
Minutes KI Dunnart Workshop May 2019
Kangaroo Island Threatened Plants 2012 Taylor
Additional, more specific resources can be found in the fire response section of this website.